July 17, 2008


The work in this exhibition is an exaggerated facsimile of bus shelters found in the Darwin area. The majority of these structures that I observed along high traffic roads in Darwin have been painted with murals of regionally specific flora, fauna and landscapes. They have also accumulated layers of scratched, painted and written text and imagery. All of the residues that I have employed in these compositions have been collected from the Top End. The work is somewhat of an attempt at representing the psyche of a physical space via visual interpretation of found text and graffiti.

This exhibition has been made possible with the generous support of the Government of South Australia via Arts SA.

If you would like a hardcopy catalogue let me know.

Runs until September 6th
14 Porter St, Parkside, SA
Tue - Fri 11 - 5
Weekends 1 - 5

1 comment:

*shani said...

I love this artwork :)..
I wish my school bus shelter looked like that!