November 21, 2011


The final stage of my Top End work was two and a half week stint working in Tennant Creek. This was organised by Barkly Regional Arts, with funding from the Coca Cola Foundation. During my stay I worked primarily with groups from the Tennant Creek High School as well as sessions with STEPS training and Youthlinx. I worked closely with Tristan Duggie, a young local teacher and artist to train him in stencil and mural processes. Together with the other participants we were able to complete a number of murals in the town, adding a whole bunch of colour and vibrancy.

The project also included Adelaide artist Nish Cash working in the community for a similar period of time. Here are some shots of an impromptu collaborative wall that we painted together. Big thanks goes out to George and Efsta from the Tennant Creek Emporium who donated wall space to the project.

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